Friday, August 27, 2010

Angels of Death for the noob

    The light from the sun so high above the clouds just barely tickled against the thickness of the Chemical induced smog cloak hanging high within the sky.The thick hide of the bright green humanoid just softly touched by the pale light filtered down to it. It's companion bathed in the same light continued to toll along in their everyday grinding work.Ronx, the largest of the two paused, dropping the make shift shovel as a distant thunder trickled across his ears. His hand held out towards Jubbx, his companion in labor this day "Stop" his gurgled voice ordered out. Jubbx growing tired of continually bossed around and wishing to finish their squig feeding continued to grumble and dig more slop into piles. Another crack of thunder rips across the sky, followed by a third and forth clap of rumble.
    "Stop yaz noize makin " Roared Ronx as a thick meaty backhand collided with Jubbx's face. The struck orc grinding his gnarled mass of teeth, emitting a low growl in annoyance. Just then the sound had reached his ears turning towards the sky as he looked on in curiosity.
    At that moment, Bursting from the smog line,cutting through the thick layer like a rock bulldozing it's way through a slab of concrete burst four Dull green Shapes. They had a block like tear shape to them. Their speed was almost more then a normal eye could keep pace with. The two orks took a step back. Dropping their half made shovels, Ronx being the somewhat smarter of the two turning his head and roaring out a alarm.But this act was pointless. The green shapes had collided with the ground, massive explosions of rubble and ork structures sprayed from the impact site. Orks began to crawl from every area they could. Orders being barked from Nobs gathering what they could from the mess, and with a sudden hush. The air locks from the Shapes had let loose.
    A Hot blast of Pressurized air ripped from the Doors of the Drop pods. And within seconds all four doors had opened and a Opera of Death had ripped through the orks. Contained within the Fourth Drop pod was a massive beat of a machine. A Ironclad Dreadnought Stepped fourth from it's holding area, His right arm slung low and a half swooping turn as it's Promethium tanks unload into the Horde before him turning thier bodies into charred husks.The Salamanders had landed upon a ork world, and the last thing Ronx had heard before his body was ripped in half by bolter fire was "Cleanse and Burn" from a thick deep Metallic voice. how i envisioned my Space Marine army to work. My idea was for a First wave of Ironclad dreadnoughts to drop in, and rip apart the biggest threats to my troops first, then my troops drop in and clean house. 85% of the time it worked, the other 15% it was messy. it took me a very long time to even come up with a Salamander drop pod list. I went through close to 50 different play styles and lists before i had found this so called "Hammer" list i enjoyed playing so much.
    I started with Space marines due to the simple fact of.. They are space marines. Not knowing anything about the game i went nuts with models, Buying 3 landraiders, 2 squads of Greyknights. Enough Scouts and assault marines to fill a shoe box.Eventually i began to calm down and read. I did my homework and actually began to understand how certain rules work, and to which units they could work best with.The first List put together was a landraider and greyknight(as allies) spam list. Lots of points which in turn ment a tiny army.This lasted close to a week. Next came a troop heavy with 1 landraider, I got picked apart as having nothing for support,and this lasted a came my discovery of Dreadnoughts. I went nuts with them. Throwing in as many as i could in every list, which soon evolved into a foot slogging Salamander army. I started to win, but not enough to keep the list the same. So after much trading and dealing i acquired 6 drop pods. My List had now evolved into a Fast hitting metla heavy machine of death it was beautiful.
    So after many many wins with the "Hammer" list i still craved something. Something..not boring.I admit, it was a fun list, and people hated seeing 6 drop pods, let alone 3 Ironclad dreads(Armor 13 FTW) I was still yawning at the fact it was not fun anymore.I needed something more..but what? Then it hit me with such simplicity. It was hanging right in my face the whole time. Why not trade green for green? That's right folks The Salamandes have been parked in place for The Bad Moonz, but that is a story for another time. 
    So i ask you all, What army did you start with? Why did you choose the army you did? And what path lead you to choose a second or even a third army?

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